When Dr. Paul learned the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was trying to censor truthful health claims by supplement manufacturers, he introduced the Health Freedom Protection Act (H.R. 2117).
Paul Urges Commerce Department to Investigate Foreign Shrimp Subsidies, January 14, 2004
Greenspan: Fed Has Inordinate Power
“I certainly appreciate Mr. Greenspan’s candor,” Paul stated after the hearing. “The Fed does have a tremendous impact on the economy and our lives, but its board members generally escape any political scrutiny for their actions. I want to make the public and Congress more aware of just how powerful--and destructive-- the Fed really is. The unbridled expansion of the money supply will hurt all of us in the long run, in the form of price inflation, destruction of personal savings, and higher interest rates.”, February 12, 2004
"Greenspan Ignores Dangerous Trends: Rising Debt to GDP Ratio is a Warning
Washington, DC: In testimony before the House Financial Services Committee last week, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan painted a rosy picture of the U.S. economy. His claim that lower interest rates have strengthened the financial condition of American households deserves closer scrutiny, however.
In fact, Economist Frank Shostak of the Ludwig von Mises Institute throws cold water on the Chairman’s assertion: 'According to Greenspan the low interest rate policy of the U.S. central bank has strengthened consumers’ and businesses’ financial conditions. Our analysis, however, disagrees with this…the data demonstrates that the exact opposite took place.'"
"International Trade Commission Agrees: Foreign Subsidies Hurt Local Shrimpers
Washington, Dc: Congressman Ron Paul, along with several of his House colleagues from coastal districts, recently asked the Department of Commerce to investigate questionable foreign shrimp industry practices. He introduced legislation in January designed to help the struggling domestic shrimp industry by reducing burdensome regulations and ending U.S. taxpayer subsidies to foreign shrimpers. Especially troubling to Paul is the amount of foreign aid given to countries that import huge amounts of shrimp into the U.S., including Thailand, India, Vietnam, China, Ecuador, Indonesia, and Brazil.
The independent International Trade Commission (ITC) recently issued a report warning that unfairly subsidized foreign trade threatens the domestic shrimp industry. Congressman Paul is encouraged by this preliminary ITC report, which draws needed attention the troubles facing shrimpers in the Texas Gulf coast and beyond."
"Inflation: Alive and Well
But not only housing prices are on the rise. London economist Sean Corrigan reports that the prices of many other goods and services, including medical care and energy, have also increased substantially. Commodity prices in particular have risen recently. In fact, the Journal of Commerce index for widely traded commodities has risen 49% since last spring! Fed Chairman Greenspan may dismiss commodities as mere “physical” assets in his vision of an increasingly “conceptual” economy, but average Americans should understand how these dramatic increases in commodity prices will affect our pocketbooks:
-gold is around $400, near its 14-year high; platinum is at a 25-year high;
-steel prices are up 160%; aluminum 50%; copper 120%;
-lumber has soared 93% in less than a year;
-coal prices are up 50% over one year ago;
-lead is at a 17-year high; nickel is at a 13-year high;
-beans, corn, rice, and soy have all risen at least 40%.""
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